Should You Expect Tooth Sensitivity After Receiving Veneers?

September 5, 2024

patient preparing for veneers

There are countless ways to hide tooth imperfections. Cosmetic dentistry offers many effective solutions that produce transformational smiles. If veneers are your preferred choice for improving your appearance, you won’t be disappointed by the results; however, you may wonder if you’ll experience tooth sensitivity once they’re in place. Keep reading to find out why this can occur and what you can do to minimize any temporary discomfort once your new teeth are firmly in place.


I Have a Question: 3 Things to Ask Your Dentist During Your Dental Checkup

July 11, 2024

an older man visiting the dentist’s office

Dental checkups are designed to not only be a time for your dental team to clean your teeth and complete a thorough exam, but they’re also meant to serve as a valuable educational experience. While it might seem as if the dentist does most of the talking, patients like yourself should remember that questions are welcome and encouraged. When preparing for your next routine appointment, make sure to ask these three questions.


Learn the Truth: Exposing 3 Myths Commonly Associated with Cosmetic Dentistry

June 21, 2024

two women showing off their transformed smiles

Cosmetic dentistry will only cause your smile to look fake. Your veneers will look bulky and unnatural. These kinds of treatment are only affordable for the rich and famous. If these are the kinds of statements you’ve heard about over the years, you may wonder if cosmetic dentistry is a good idea. With so many myths permeating the web, it can be hard to discern fact from fiction, but a local dentist is here to expose three of the most common lies so that you can feel more at ease about pursuing a more vibrant smile with the help of cosmetic dentistry.


When Smile Aesthetics Take Center Stage: What Is Cosmetic Dentistry?

May 7, 2024

a woman smiling after receiving cosmetic dentistry

You’ve likely heard your dentist, friends, or family members talk about cosmetic dentistry. While it might sound fun and exciting, it’s also a bit vague if you’re unsure what exactly it entails. In fact, you may not think much about it when visiting your dentist’s office, especially since the focus tends to be on the health of your teeth and gums. So what kinds of treatment are deemed “cosmetic?” Keep reading to hear from a dentist who can explain.


When Your Bite Doesn’t Align: Can Invisalign Help?

April 11, 2024

digital image of an overbite

Orthodontic treatment is not only designed to fix crooked or gapped teeth. It is also commonly recommended for patients living with a misaligned bite. Whether it is an overbite, underbite, crossbite, or open bite, the complications that can arise, such as worn-down tooth enamel, chronic jaw pain, and low self-esteem, have the potential to wreak havoc on your physical, mental, and emotional health. While you might assume that metal braces are the only solution, you may be surprised to learn that Invisalign can help. Keep reading to discover how these clear aligners can bring your smile back into proper alignment.


How Can You Extend the Lifespan of Your Dental Crown?

March 1, 2024

a single dental crown

When receiving a dental crown for a recently treated decayed or damaged tooth, you learn about its many benefits, which range from its functionality to its aesthetics. You may also discover how long this restorative solution is meant to last. Although not designed to be a permanent fixture inside your mouth, keep reading to find out the average timeframe for a custom dental crown and what you can do to extend its lifespan for longer-lasting protection.


Can Forgetting to Floss Put Your Overall Health at Risk?

December 8, 2023

man flossing his teeth

Flossing is not commonly viewed as most people’s favorite activity. Brushing teeth seems to be universally accepted and practiced, but running a small piece of dental floss through teeth seems tedious, so many often “forget” or simply refuse to do it. Unfortunately, neglecting to clean between teeth can harm more than just your smile. It can also spell disaster for your overall health. Discover what problems can arise when you don’t floss and why you shouldn’t wait to start taking better care of your teeth.


3 Questions to Ask During Your Smile Makeover Consultation

August 10, 2023

smile makeover consultation

Discovering there is a solution to address your severely flawed smile might be a relief. Your eagerness for a newer, more beautiful smile may cause you to want to skip the formalities and simply get started with treatment. But undergoing a smile makeover shouldn’t be a quick or easy decision. This is your smile you’re looking to improve, which means visible results that will be seen by more than just you. As you prepare for your consultation, here are three questions you’ll need to be sure that you ask your cosmetic dentist.


Do I Have a Cavity Between My Teeth?  

July 7, 2023

woman with cavity

Just like everyone else, you like to enjoy a sweet treat now and then. The summer months are filled with cookouts that serve everything from potato chips and hamburgers to cobblers and cake. When visiting the dentist for a checkup, you may discover that your indulgence in these sweet and starchy snacks has caused a cavity between your teeth. But how can one form in such a small area? A dentist is here to explain how to know if you have one and what you can do to prevent them in the first place.  


3 Cosmetic Dental Treatments to Consider for Summer 

May 9, 2023

two women smiling on the beach

Summer is right around the corner, which means you are like most people and probably have plans to travel, spend time with family and friends, or even relax around the pool. No matter what your days will look like over the next several months, it’s likely that you want your smile to look its best, especially if cameras are around. To ensure you are pleased with what you see, here are three cosmetic dental treatments to try.
