Dental implants are known to have a high success rate (95%). The likelihood that complications will occur is slim but not impossible. Unfortunately, for some patients, problems can arise that result in a loose dental implant or complete failure. Knowing the cause often requires meeting with your dentist to undergo a full examination. While you might be fearful that your investment is slipping away, you should know there are ways to fix this type of problem and improve the future of your smile. Read on to find out how a dental implant can become loose and what your dentist can do to remedy the situation.
Why Does a Dental Implant Become Loose?
There are several reasons why your dental implant might be loose. Although extremely rare and unlikely to happen, especially if placed by a skilled and qualified dental professional, this unique problem can occur if you experience any of the following:
- Peri-Implantitis: The gums become infected around your dental implant and cause it to become loose. Much like gum disease, bacteria and plaque attack the tissues before reaching the bone and nearby teeth, causing them to loosen and eventually fall out.
- Failed osseointegration: If you have a weakened immune system because of a health condition or autoimmune disease, your implant post will be unlikely to fuse with the bone, resulting in failed osseointegration. This step is essential if a firm foundation is to be created for your new smile.
- Unnecessary pressure: If you receive your customized restoration the same day as your dental implants, there is a chance too much pressure can be applied, making it difficult for osseointegration to successfully occur.
How to Handle a Loose Dental Implant
If your dental implant feels loose, it’s imperative that you contact your dentist for help. Once they perform an oral examination using advanced dental technology, they will be able to determine if it is the titanium post or customized restoration that is the problem. Oftentimes, you might think the implant is loose but what is actually loose is the crown, bridge, or denture, which still warrants immediate treatment.
However, should your implant post be loose, it will be necessary to determine the reason and move forward with treatment. If peri-implantitis is causing the issue, periodontal therapy may be used to try and save the implant from being extracted. However, if damage or bone loss occurs, it is likely your dentist will need to remove the implant. Once you are healed, it may be possible to have a new implant put in with the help of preliminary treatments such as bone grafting.
It’s unlikely you will experience a loose dental implant, as implants have an extremely high success rate. But if you do, trust that your dentist will be quick to administer the appropriate treatment to help save your smile.
About the Author
Dr. Monica Boehmer believes all individuals should be able to enjoy healthy, fully restored, and beautiful smiles. When an individual arrives with dental implant problems, she and her team can quickly work to remedy the issue and avoid lengthier, complex extractions and replacements. No matter the reason for dental implant complications, Dr. Boehmer will take care of your smile to ensure it lasts as long as possible. If you are suffering from a loose dental implant and need immediate help, contact us at (505) 349-0266.