Household Environment, Not Genetics, Shapes Salivary Microbes

April 13, 2018

A smiling, happy couple.The saliva in your mouth is probably something you don’t think much about. However, did you know that it plays a crucial role in not only your oral health, but also your overall health? This is because your mouth and saliva are home to hundreds of species of bacteria which can both protect and harm your overall health and well-being, depending on the makeup of the bacteria. Your dentist in Albuquerque shares more on what this information means for you and your family.

New Information

It was thought that genetics was the key to forming the unique blend of microbes that make up your saliva. However, recent information out of the United Kingdom is changing that perception.

Researchers have found that home environment actually plays a greater role than genetics in forming the bacterial composition of your saliva. The study found that a young child’s microbiome closely resembles that of their parents, and then tends to change as they grow older and more self-sufficient.

How Does this Affect Your Family?

We already know that oral health is closely linked with overall health since the bacteria in the mouth that causes periodontal (gum) disease is the same that contributes to issues like diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.

If environment is a strong contributing factor to saliva’s microbiome, we can make changes to our everyday routines and behavior that will shift those microbes in a positive direction. This could improve all aspects of our health.

Bringing the Latest Information to You

Dr. Monica Boehmer and her team are passionate about taking great care of our patients! Our goal is to educate patients about their oral health as much as we can, which in turn helps you to make good decisions about your health care. If you ever have questions for us, or a new topic that you’ve heard about or are interested in learning more about, we encourage you to contact your family dentist in Albuquerque and share it.

We love sharing new information as we learn it so you can stay on top of your health.

About Dr. Monica Boehmer

For many years Dr. Monica Boehmer has been caring for patients in Albuquerque, NM. Her reputation has been built on the excellent customer service and high-quality dentistry that she and her team provide. If you would like to experience dentistry in a new and personalized way, look no further than Dr. Boehmer.

If you would like to contact our office, Dr. Boehmer can be reached through her website or by calling us at 505-271-8009.