Albuquerque Family Dentist Offers Tips for Maintaining Your Family’s Oral Health

October 24, 2016

Learn more about maintaining your family’s oral health from your Albuquerque family dentist.As we learn more about how our oral health is connected to our overall health and well being, it’s clear that there’s never been a more important time to take charge of it. Besides visiting your dentist regularly, there are a number of things you can do at home to maintain good oral health in between your six-month dental visits. Dr. Monica Boehmer, your Albuquerque family dentist, offers tips for maintaining your family’s oral health at home.

Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

This is not only good for our bodies, but also our oral health! Eating fruits and veggies actually neutralizes the acids in our mouths that cause cavities. They also increase saliva flow, which helps to wash away food debris and other particles.

Use an Antibacterial Mouth Rinse

One of the easiest things you can do to amp up your home care routine is to add an antibacterial mouth rinse. It gives you added protection against the bacteria and acids that cause tooth decay, and it hardly adds any time to your normal brushing and flossing routine.

Switch to an Electric Toothbrush

An electric toothbrush literally does all the hard brushing work for you, while timing your session to ensure that you’re getting the full 2 minutes. It’s gentle on your gum tissue, and tends to remove more plaque than brushing by hand. It’s a small investment to make in optimum oral health.

Don’t Forget to Floss!

Flossing at least once per day is very important so you can remove plaque and food debris from in between your teeth. Believe it or not, you can actually get cavities between your teeth! Not only does flossing remove plaque, it also promotes strong and healthy gums.

Non-Fluoridated Water

Remember, Albuquerque does not fluoridate its water. This means that you are not getting any protection for your teeth from the water. Dr. Boehmer and her team recommend you use a fluoride-based tooth paste at least once per day to protect your teeth.

Dr. Boehmer and her team want to be your partners in achieving and maintaining optimum oral health for a lifetime. With regular dental checkups every six-month and an excellent home care routine, you’ll be able to prevent many dental issues such as oral cancer, periodontal disease, and tooth decay from occurring in the first place. This saves you from costly and invasive treatment. Contact our office today to learn more and schedule your next dental appointment.