How Your Dentist Will Keep You Safe When Doors Reopen

May 10, 2020

an image of gloves, protective eyewear, a facial mask, and a disposable gownAs states begin to slowly reopen various businesses, dental offices are preparing for an influx of patients in need of checkups and cleanings as well as elective treatments. To prepare for this event, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued several protocols practices should adhere to in order to prevent the possibility of spreading COVID-19. While it is understandable you might be concerned about your health and wellbeing when visiting your dentist, take some time to find out what measures are being taken to keep you safe from the moment you arrive.

The Timeline for Returning to Your Dentist’s Office

If you ask people whether they plan to hurry back to the dentist’s office or wait, you will likely get a mixed response. When weighing the pros and cons, one group may believe it is worth the risk to receive immediate care for their deteriorating oral health while others would rather wait a while longer just to be safe.

Everyone has their own decision to make, and your dental team will fully understand whether you choose to schedule an appointment right away or hold off until a later time as a safety precaution. But if you’re unsure how you feel about revisiting the dentist amid this global pandemic, you may want to consider exactly what your dental professional is doing to keep you and everyone else safe.

New Protocols for Reopening

If you think coming in for a regular visit will just like it was before, guess again. COVID-19 is causing dentist offices throughout the country to revise and revamp their safety protocols, some of which include:

  • Creating a virtual waiting room that requires you to remain in your vehicle until it is time for your appointment. You will text or call the office to inform them of your arrival, and you will be escorted into the building by a team member when it’s time for you to come in.
  • Removing all reading materials and self-service beverage machines from the waiting area
  • Providing advanced staff training to ensure everyone understands and is aware of new protocols and prevention efforts
  • Performing daily temperature checks and COVID-19 screenings on all staff members
  • Performing pre-screens of patients when scheduling appointments over the phone to ensure you are not sick or displaying symptoms associated with the virus
  • Requiring that you use an antimicrobial rinse to wash out your mouth before your appointment to reduce bacteria

Don’t be afraid to return for regular care. While these are not all of the new measures being taken by dental offices throughout the country, it is a sample of how far your dentist will go to provide a clean and safe environment.

About the Author
Dr. Monica Boehmer is ready to reopen her doors and begin seeing her patients again. But before she does, she understands you might be apprehensive about quickly returning. This is why she and her team are taking extra precautions to ensure the health and safety of both staff and patients. From increased sanitizing and disinfecting efforts to wearing personal protective equipment to performing daily temperature checks of all staff, you can feel confident and comfortable when it is time for your appointment. If you want to know more about the steps being taken by Dr. Boehmer and her team, contact us at (505) 271-8009.