4 Ways Your Dentist Says You Can Keep a Healthy Smile While on Vacation

June 9, 2019

a woman smiling on the beachIt’s summertime, and that means, you and your family are preparing a trip to the sunny west coast. Spending a week on the beach is what’s in store, and you can’t wait to get there. Vacations are always fun, and they usually mean staying up late and getting out of the normal routine you have at home. While this is fine in some instances, it’s not when it comes to your oral health. To help you maintain a healthy smile, your dentist suggests these 4 ways to keep your teeth and gums shining bright while on vacation.

Pack What You Need

When packing for a vacation, you spend so much time trying to remember everything that inevitably, you forget something. Oftentimes, the item(s) you forget are some of the most essential, such as your toothbrush and toothpaste. Depending on where you’re traveling to, you may or may not have easy access to purchase these items, so before you begin packing for vacation, make a list of the items you know you need, without a doubt.

Make sure to pack your toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, and mouthwash. It is also beneficial to pack sunscreen for your lips and face, as they are both sensitive to sun exposure and can easily burn.

Maintain Your Routine

It can be easy to slip out of your normal oral hygiene routine while on vacation. Sleeping in late or staying up past your normal bedtime are fine, but don’t neglect your teeth and gums. When you first wake up and before you go to bed, make sure you’re brushing your teeth for a full two minutes and flossing during at least one of these sessions. Don’t forget to rinse to wash away any bacteria or food particles left behind from brushing or flossing.

Don’t Consume Too Much Sugar

We get it: vacation usually means overindulgence. Whether it’s a big buffet or packing up on sweets and carbs, you’re more likely to eat things you don’t typically indulge in while at home. Doing this in small quantities is fine, but make sure you’re watching how much you consume. Too much sugar can be devastating for your teeth, leading to a build-up of bacteria and the potential for cavities.

Instead of reaching for the sugar-filled candies, opt for healthier snacks like veggies or fruit. Not only will your teeth benefit from the change, but your wallet will too, especially when you and your family are out and about around town.

Visit the Dentist

Before leaving for your trip, it’s advised that you schedule a dental checkup and cleaning. This gives both you and your family dentist a chance to get your teeth and gums in optimal shape before you leave. It also helps to identify any problems that you may want to watch out for while you’re on vacation.

Also, if you’ve had a toothache or another issue that’s been bothering you, don’t go on vacation and let it fester. Get it checked out before you go, so you can be sure that your oral health is in the best condition. You certainly don’t want to be in pain while enjoying your time at the beach, do you?

By following these simple tips, not only will your oral health remain in check, but you’ll be well on your way to enjoying some fun in the sun.

About the Author
Dr. Monica Boehmer, DDS, PC, earned her bachelor’s degree at Washington University in St. Louis before going on to complete her Doctor of Dental Surgery degree at Baylor College of Dentistry. A believer in continuing education, she has completed more than 1,000 hours in advanced dental techniques. Dr. Boehmer and her team strive to ensure all patients achieve the beautiful smiles they deserve. Offering comprehensive dentistry solutions, you can expect to receive high-quality care and personalized service every time you walk through the doors. To learn more about what we offer and how we can give you a healthier smile, contact us at (505) 271-8009.